
And now spring has sprung...

So spring sprung. Everything is all green and leafy. And the dandelions are taking over the front lawn now that the lawn guys have trimmed it down to size. At least they’re pretty and I don’t have allergies… Supposed to rain for the next dew days too. šŸ’» Freenode and Libera In other drama…Freenode. I’m not even sure what is going on there anymore besides apparently a rich dude (who also claims to be royalty?

Spring is slowly springing...

šŸ–„ Emacs I’m still getting better at both emacs itself and elisp. I’m still hoping to write some mode stuff for my own use and to sort of give back a little bit. On a less fun note, there seems to be a bug somewhere in the version of Spacemacs I’m using. If I have .spacemacs open in a buffer and use customize-group to customize somethiing, then save the changes, it breaks my .

For all the healthy things...

Whelp, I’ve decided to see what I can do about being healthier. I’m not exactly fat, but I’m not exactly not-fat either, so… Plus I’ve been addicted to caffeine forever. Time to do something about it. The caffeine itself isn’t that big a deal, but it’s the sugary soda I drink to get the caffeine that’s the big problem. So to that end I got a gigantic one gallon insulated water bottle.

Happy birthday to me, plus some nerdery...

Well, it’s happened. Time went by and I’m going to be older in a few days. I’m getting way too old for this aging shit… On the nerdery front I decided to give next/nyxt another look because someone mentioned it, and it seems to have improved quite a bit since last I saw it. For my uses, it seems to work a lot better than qutebrowser, and I like that it’s hackable in LISP, which I’ve been learning a lot of because of Emacs.

We're still here...

So, we’re still here. The world, or at least the US, is getting slightly less Jackpot-y as time goes by. This is good and makes me happy. We’ve been getting bunches of snow recently. Due for another 7-9" tonight, and then another 9" or so on Thursday and Friday. Good thing we’ve got a snowblower and all. It’d really suck hand shoveling the driveway. It’s not rich-people-house long, but it’s a bit steep and sucks a lot when icy.

A neat trick...

I saw a nifty trick on Mastodon the other day. Someone pointed out that you can use the SoX library to generate sounds like you get from the bedside sleep aids. I’d forgotten SoX even has synthesizers, but it does. So you can use play -n synth brownnoise synth pinknoise mix synth 0 0 0 10 10 40 trapezium amod 0.1 30 to make ocean surf sounds. It’s super simple, lag free, etc.