For all the healthy things...

Whelp, I’ve decided to see what I can do about being healthier. I’m not exactly fat, but I’m not exactly not-fat either, so… Plus I’ve been addicted to caffeine forever. Time to do something about it. The caffeine itself isn’t that big a deal, but it’s the sugary soda I drink to get the caffeine that’s the big problem.

So to that end I got a gigantic one gallon insulated water bottle. I’ve found my biggest problem with drinking water is that I much prefer cold water, and this will give me a gallon of cold water. :)

I’ve also written down some meal choices from some of the places we tend to order from, because my housemate will ask what I want, and I will invariably ummmm and uhhhh and pick something bad for me. And some things that don’t look that bad are actually pretty bad for you. So, I just made up a quick and dirty list. Why yes, I am OCD…

I’ve also started buying healthier foods and especially snack stuff. Snacks are my bane. So good, but so bad for me. But I have chopped veggies, and rice cakes, and peanut butter, and…

So, we’ll see how well this works out…