Happy birthday to me, plus some nerdery...

Well, it’s happened. Time went by and I’m going to be older in a few days. I’m getting way too old for this aging shit…

On the nerdery front I decided to give next/nyxt another look because someone mentioned it, and it seems to have improved quite a bit since last I saw it. For my uses, it seems to work a lot better than qutebrowser, and I like that it’s hackable in LISP, which I’ve been learning a lot of because of Emacs. I’ll have to do more fiddling around with it to see if I’ll use it to replace qutebrowser in my VM stuff, but it looks pretty promising.

There also seems to be a sort of slow moving spam attack occurring on freenode IRC. Over the past few days I’ve had groups of people with obviously generated names connecting, then sending me a private message with what looks like a random line from a chatlog. No links or anything, and it’s easy enough to kill all the message buffers at once with /buffer close x-y, but still…odd.