Happy birthday to me, plus some nerdery...

Well, it’s happened. Time went by and I’m going to be older in a few days. I’m getting way too old for this aging shit… On the nerdery front I decided to give next/nyxt another look because someone mentioned it, and it seems to have improved quite a bit since last I saw it. For my uses, it seems to work a lot better than qutebrowser, and I like that it’s hackable in LISP, which I’ve been learning a lot of because of Emacs.

A Few of My Favorite Things

Just a list of some of my favorite projects and such out there in the world. YMMV, etc… Replacements for commercial/sucky things Thing Replacement DuoLingo LibreLingo - Open project to create something similar to DuoLingo, but open contribution and federated. Twitter Mastodon - Open source twitter mostly-clone. Pretty excellent stuff. Twitter Nitter - A more privacy dedicated front-end to twitter. Very nice. Youtube Invidious - Not really a replacement, more of a front-end, but still considerably better than youtube itself.