
Gaming Stuff

Video games are one of my favorite timewasters to fill in the gaps when I’m not writing code. I like all sorts of games, but tend towards action or puzzle games.

  • Glitch - By far my favorite game. It’s dead now, but might end up being ressurected…there are a few projects going to bring it back, since the company that made it released all the assets, source code, etc. Which was amazingly cool of them to do. Nowadays they run the best group chat application around, Slack.
  • Team Fortress 2 - First person shooter. Lots of fun. I got into it when the Orange Box set was released long ago, but it’s free to play these days, for better or worse.
  • NetHack - Old console based rogue-like, though there are graphical interfaces for it these days. Still an excellent and fun game, and still being developed.
  • Dwarf Fortress - The game everyone that plays it has a love/hate relationship with. Also probably the most detailed OCD game I’ve ever seen. Still fun and infuriating. :) If you ever decide to give it a try, I strongly suggest starting with the Lazy Newb Pack. It makes things a lot easier, though slightly less customizable in some ways, but you won’t be needing those ways as a newbie anyway. Also, it’s very helpful to watch some youtube tutorial videos. Captnduck’s tutorials are very good for getting into things. DasTactic’s tutorials are also good (and use a more recent version of DF too). It was also recently announced that DF is going to be purchasable on steam too, so there’s that.
  • Cities:Skylines - Very similar to SimCity, but designed for modding from the ground up. Lots of great stuff if you like sim games. And lots of potential. Alas, still kind of buggy in places.
  • Minetest - An open source minecraft-like game. Kind of like minecraft, but designed from the ground up to be moddable. If you decide to try it, be sure to get some mods (or join a public server) as the base game is basically just a proof-of-concept thing and doesn’t have any mobs, or much to do. It’s all in the mods.
  • RimWorld - Kind of sort of like Dwarf Fortress, in spaaaaaaaace. Pretty fun though.
  • Oxygen Not Included - More Dwarf Fortress-esque gaming. Side view this time. You command a group of Duplicants that are supposed to colonize an alien world. Just one tiny problem…