We're still here...

So, we’re still here. The world, or at least the US, is getting slightly less Jackpot-y as time goes by. This is good and makes me happy.

We’ve been getting bunches of snow recently. Due for another 7-9" tonight, and then another 9" or so on Thursday and Friday. Good thing we’ve got a snowblower and all. It’d really suck hand shoveling the driveway. It’s not rich-people-house long, but it’s a bit steep and sucks a lot when icy.

Let’s see. what else. Been doing a lot of emacs stuff. I have been fully assimilated into the emacs borganism it seems. I’ve even started writing bits of elisp. Infinity help us all. 😀 And watching a lot of videos and even some live webcasts. On the bright side though, org-capture has gotten me back into journaling, which I haven’t actually kept up with in years, but… we’ll see. It’s definitely a whole lot easier to keep up with using capture. I might go grab previous journals and convert them over. There are certainly much worse formats to store them in than org-mode.

Still way behind on my list of things I need to watch, but slowly working on it. Still watching Beastars and Assassination Classroom