
And now spring has sprung...

So spring sprung. Everything is all green and leafy. And the dandelions are taking over the front lawn now that the lawn guys have trimmed it down to size. At least they’re pretty and I don’t have allergies… Supposed to rain for the next dew days too. 💻 Freenode and Libera In other drama…Freenode. I’m not even sure what is going on there anymore besides apparently a rich dude (who also claims to be royalty?

July 5th and all is well, mostly...

Hmmm, so..the 5th of July and we’re still doing the coronavirus thing. On the bright side, the infection rate around where I am is pretty low. On the down side, can’t really go anywhere or do anything away from home. At least I’m catching up on all the anime and movies I’d been intending to see (Shazam!, Aquaman, Dorohedoro) and rewatched a few I haven’t seem im quite a while (Ink, Dark City)…