July 5th and all is well, mostly...

Hmmm, so..the 5th of July and we’re still doing the coronavirus thing. On the bright side, the infection rate around where I am is pretty low. On the down side, can’t really go anywhere or do anything away from home. At least I’m catching up on all the anime and movies I’d been intending to see (Shazam!, Aquaman, Dorohedoro) and rewatched a few I haven’t seem im quite a while (Ink, Dark City)…

Unfortunately, from all the news I’ve been reading, looks like this shit is probably going to last until at least the beginning of next year. A whole year lost to the plague. :P

I promised myself I’d avoid politics in this as much as possible, but I do have to say… Aside from attention whoring, what the fuck is Kanye West thinking running for president? I know he’s just doing it to try and draw off enough black voters from Biden to get Trump into office again, but seriously…we already have one no-experience narcissistic clown in office. We don’t need another one. :P

Annnnd there goes the National Weather Service warnings. We’ve been having a dry spell, interspersed with unusually strong thunderstorms. Looks like we’re going to get another unusually strong thunderstorm in about an hour. Hmf. It usually just sprinkles here…the classic ‘spring shower’, but not recently… I suppose everything else is odd and fucked up right now, why not the weather too?

Not much really happened fireworks-wise for the 4th. Most places seemd to have modifed shows, and I couldn’t really find a decent place to watch. The locals had me covered a bit, with some nice (but short) displays. Hopefully next year shit will be back to normal.